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The Podcasts Best Suited for Copywriters in 2024: Expanding Skills and Knowledge

As copywriters, we navigate a sea of words daily, crafting narratives that resonate and persuade. Yet, in our quest for continual growth and inspiration, finding time for additional reading is often challenging. Enter podcasts – a dynamic, convenient way to absorb new insights and trends in our industry. In this blog, I'll share podcasts best suited for copywriters, offering fresh perspectives and strategies to elevate our craft.

Why Podcasts are Invaluable for Copywriters

laptop and mic on tripod in studio

In the world of copywriting, where every word counts, podcasts offer a refreshing way to consume information and stay ahead. They bring us the latest industry trends, expert insights, and creative solutions without the additional screen time. 

I know that at the end of a long day of writing, the last thing I want to do is read more business writing.  For those of us who spend hours meticulously crafting content, listening to podcasts can be a soothing yet productive break. They fuel our creativity and broaden our understanding, all while we multitask. I often find myself listening to these podcasts while I am washing the dishes, going for a run, or driving. My hands may be active, but my idle mind absorbs all the information without distractions. 

Plus, it's not just about learning; it's about staying inspired and connected to the ever-evolving landscape of copywriting. That is why I have chosen these podcasts as an essential tool in my copywriting arsenal.

Discovering the Podcasts Best for Copywriters in 2024

As we dive into the world of podcasts tailored for copywriters, it’s essential to recognize the diversity and richness of content available. The following list isn’t just about finding podcasts about writing; it's about discovering shows that encompass all aspects of our profession. From the art of crafting compelling narratives to the strategies for business growth and financial acumen, these podcasts offer a comprehensive toolkit for the modern copywriter. They provide insights not only on honing our writing skills but also on navigating the challenges of entrepreneurship and staying financially savvy in a competitive industry. 

As we dive, I will be honest and say that I don’t catch every single podcast episode, and I listen to some more than others. The first five I list here are my top podcasts, where I listen to almost every episode. I listen to the last three on occasion if a topic truly sparks my interest! Are you ready? 

#1: The Copywriter Club Podcast

Podcast for Copywriter club

If there's one podcast that's a must-listen for every copywriter looking to elevate their craft, it's The Copywriter Club Podcast. Hosted by the dynamic duo Kira Hug and Rob Marsh, this show is a treasure trove of in-depth interviews with expert copywriters and content creators. Imagine having the opportunity to casually chat with the brightest minds in our field, delving into their successes, failures, and everything in between. That's exactly what you get with each of the nearly 350 episodes they've recorded to date.

What sets this podcast apart is its focus on providing actionable, curated content specifically about copywriting. While not every episode may align perfectly with your niche, the breadth and depth of knowledge shared offer valuable insights into the wider world of copywriting. From real talk about rates and sales funnels to effective work habits and social media strategies, Kira and Rob don't shy away from asking the hard-hitting questions we all want answers to.

As a copywriter, I've found this podcast an invaluable resource for sparking new ideas and refining my business approach. It's also a fantastic platform for discovering and following industry leaders. Whenever an episode resonates with me, I make it a point to follow the featured expert on social media, further expanding my professional network and learning circle. With one such professional, I even made a business buddy from whom I bounce new ideas! 

Whether you're just starting out or are a seasoned writer, The Copywriter Club Podcast is a wellspring of inspiration and practical advice, helping you think bigger and reach higher in your copywriting career.

#2: The Marketing AI Show

Podcast for Marketing AI Show

In the rapidly evolving world of artificial intelligence, keeping up with the latest trends and applications in marketing can be a daunting task. The Marketing AI Show, hosted by Paul Roetzer and Mike Kaput of the Marketing AI Institute, makes this complex subject both actionable and approachable for marketers and copywriters alike.

This podcast is an essential listen for those who want to stay ahead of the curve in understanding how AI is reshaping our industry. Each episode dives into the world's leading marketing AI developments, offering expert insights crucial for any modern marketer or copywriter. Paul and Mike don't just report on AI advancements; they break down what these developments mean for marketing, business, and the broader implications for humanity.

What I particularly appreciate about The Marketing AI Show is how it demystifies AI. The hosts deliver practical insights in an informative yet not intimidating way. As a copywriter, this podcast has been instrumental in helping me grasp the nuances of AI in our field. It keeps me informed about the latest trends, ensuring my skills and strategies remain relevant and effective in an AI-driven world.

Whether you're looking to deepen your understanding of AI in marketing or seeking ways to incorporate AI into your copywriting practice, The Marketing AI Show is one of the podcasts best suited for copywriters in 2024. It's not just about keeping up with technology; it's about leveraging it to transform our businesses and careers.

#3: The Goal Digger Podcast

Podcast for Goal Digger

Jenna Kutcher's The Goal Digger Podcast is more than just a podcast; it's a vibrant, live-workshop style journey into the heart of business and personal growth. With over 700 episodes and 100+ million downloads, it stands as a beacon of inspiration and practical guidance for thousands looking to redefine success and pursue bold dreams.

What sets The Goal Digger Podcast apart is Jenna's down-to-earth approach. Broadcasting from her humble home office in Minnesota, Jenna, a New York Times best-selling author, brings a relatable and refreshingly honest voice to the world of business and marketing podcasts. Her episodes cover an impressive range of topics — from the nitty-gritty of building email lists and marketing strategies to more personal subjects like handling burnout and maintaining health. Jenna’s willingness to dive into her successes and failures makes each episode informative and genuinely inspiring.

As a copywriter and business owner, I find Jenna's podcast invaluable. She doesn't just talk theory; she provides actionable advice backed by her own experiences. Whether discussing social media strategies, productivity hacks, or the realities of entrepreneurship, Jenna delivers content that resonates professionally and personally. Her stories of transitioning from a 9-to-5 to becoming a self-made millionaire through various ventures are not just motivational but filled with lessons that are applicable to any business.

What truly endears me to The Goal Digger Podcast is Jenna's authenticity. She's not afraid to discuss failures or mishaps, offering a full picture of what entrepreneurship really looks like. Her episodes are a mix of her own insights and interviews with top women in the industry, making this podcast a comprehensive resource for anyone looking to grow their business or simply find more joy and peace in their work. If you're just seeking inspiration to turn your passion into profit, The Goal Digger Podcast is an essential addition to your playlist. I am not ashamed to admit that I haven’t missed an episode since I started listening to her last year! 

#4: Duo On Air Marketing Podcast

Podcast for Duo on Air

Start your week off right with the Duo On Air Marketing Podcast, your new Monday pick-me-up. Hosted by Abbey Oslin and Courtney Petersen, Minnesota-based marketing mavens and co-founders of the boutique agency Duo Collective, this podcast is a goldmine of organic marketing tips for entrepreneurs and creatives.

What makes Duo On Air stand out to me is its focus on organic and authentic brand growth. Abbey and Courtney bring their extensive expertise in SEO, social media strategy, and branding to every episode, making complex concepts accessible and actionable. Their approach particularly benefits small business owners and creative entrepreneurs looking to enhance their digital presence without losing their unique voice.

As a copywriter, I've found immense value in their episodes. They're short, engaging, and packed with practical advice that can be immediately applied to your work. Whether it's breaking down a common marketing principle or offering fresh perspectives on copywriting, Abbey and Courtney ensure that each takeaway is something you can use to elevate your content.

The true charm of this podcast lies in its ability to help you personalize your brand and find your authentic voice. In a world where it's easy to get lost in the noise, Duo On Air provides strategies to make your message stand out. It's not just about following trends; it's about creating a brand identity that resonates with your audience and reflects your values. If you want to add creativity and personality to your marketing and copywriting efforts, this is the podcast for you.

#5: The Financial Feminist Podcast

Podcast for Financial Feminist

For those looking to intertwine financial savvy with a bold feminist perspective, The Financial Feminist Podcast is a must-listen. Hosted by the uncompromising and insightful Tori Dunlap, this podcast is a clarion call for women who want to become financially free and empowered in a society still grappling with gender disparities, especially in finance.

Tori's approach is both refreshing and revolutionary. She doesn’t just talk about money; she dives into the unique financial challenges women face, addressing the systemic inequalities and educational gaps that disproportionately affect women. Her episodes are a blend of solo insights and interviews with special guests, each offering practical advice and resources on how to earn more, spend wisely, and grow your financial resources.

As a female small business owner, I find Tori's podcast incredibly relevant and empowering. She delivers savvy financial tips that are immediately actionable, without the need for substantial savings or costly programs. Her advice is tailored not just to survive in a world “run by rich white men” but to thrive and assert financial independence.

Tori's no-nonsense, feminist-strong attitude is particularly appealing. She doesn't mince words or shy away from challenging societal norms that hinder financial equality. This straightforward approach might not be for everyone, but it's a breath of fresh air for those who appreciate frank discussions about money and gender dynamics like I do. 

Whether it's breaking down common financial myths that hold women back or offering strategies to tackle these challenges head-on, The Financial Feminist Podcast is an invaluable resource for women navigating the complexities of money management and entrepreneurship. Tune in every Tuesday for full episodes and every other Thursday for mini-episodes, and prepare to be financially and mentally fortified.

#6: High-Income Business Writing Podcast

Podcast for High Income Business Writing

The High-Income Business Writing Podcast is a beacon for writers and copywriters aiming to elevate their careers to the next level of financial success. Hosted by Ed Gandia, co-author of "The Wealthy Freelancer," this podcast is a treasure trove of practical advice, expert interviews, and real-world case studies focused on helping you earn more while working less.

With a monthly listenership of 14,000, this podcast stands out for its direct approach to some of the most pressing challenges faced by freelance writers and copywriters. Ed’s expertise lies in showing you how to propel your writing business into the six-figure bracket (or its part-time equivalent). His no-nonsense style covers everything from securing better clients and increasing your rates to enhancing productivity and finding joy in your work.

What I particularly appreciate about Ed's podcast is his focus on the financial aspects of writing. As a small business owner, setting and negotiating rates is often a tricky path to navigate. Ed’s discussions provide that much-needed push to price services and demand what you deserve confidently. His advice is not just theoretical but grounded in the systems and strategies he's successfully implemented in his own business and taught to his coaching clients.

The podcast covers a wide range of topics crucial for any writer's toolkit, such as breaking the feast-or-famine cycle, niche specialization, project pricing, and creating recession-proof writing services. Whether discussing content writing, copywriting, white papers, case studies, web copy, or articles, Ed ensures each episode is packed with actionable tips.

While I may not listen to every episode, I find myself tuning in whenever a particular topic catches my eye, especially those related to financial insights. The High-Income Business Writing Podcast is an excellent resource for any writer looking to take their business to new heights, ensuring you're a skilled writer and a savvy business owner.

#7: Entrepreneurs On Fire

Podcast for Entrepreneurs on Fire

For those seeking a comprehensive guide to entrepreneurship, Entrepreneurs On Fire, hosted by John Lee Dumas, or JLD, is an indispensable resource. Boasting over 156 million listens, this award-winning podcast has become a cornerstone in the entrepreneurial podcasting world.

JLD's journey with Entrepreneurs On Fire is nothing short of remarkable. Transforming it into a media empire, he's managed to garner over 100 million listens across 3000+ episodes, achieving 7-figures of NET annual revenue consistently for over eight years. His book, "The Common Path to Uncommon Success," mirrors the podcast's ethos, offering a 17-step roadmap to financial freedom and fulfillment, akin to a modern-day "Think and Grow Rich."

What truly sets this podcast apart is the breadth and depth of topics covered. Whether content creation, time management, financial strategies, or success stories, JLD ensures that every aspect of entrepreneurship is explored. The array of guests is equally impressive, featuring luminaries like Tony Robbins, Seth Godin, Gary Vaynerchuk, Barbara Corcoran, and Tim Ferriss, each sharing their unique entrepreneurial insights.

As a listener and a business owner, I find Entrepreneurs On Fire incredibly insightful. JLD's interviews provide a window into the real world of business ownership – the triumphs and the challenges. The podcast is a treasure trove of strategies, experiences, and lessons from a diverse range of business professionals. It’s not just about the successes; it’s about understanding the full entrepreneurial journey, warts and all.

Entrepreneurs On Fire is more than just a podcast; it's a daily dose of inspiration and practical advice for anyone on the entrepreneurial path. If you're looking for insights into every conceivable aspect of business ownership, this podcast should be at the top of your list.

#8: The Tim Ferriss Show 

Podcast for Time Ferriss Show

The Tim Ferriss Show undoubtedly earns its place at the forefront when discussing influential business podcasts. Years ago, after being captivated by his book "The 4-Hour Workweek," I was drawn to his podcast, and it's easy to see why it consistently ranks as the #1 business podcast on Apple Podcasts. With its staggering achievement of surpassing 900 million downloads and accolades, such as being selected as “Best of” Apple Podcasts for three consecutive years, Tim Ferriss has undoubtedly set a high bar in the podcasting world.

Tim Ferriss, known as the world's best human guinea pig, brings a unique flavor to the podcasting realm. His approach to self-experimentation and deep dives into the habits of world-class performers across various fields – from investing and sports to art and business – makes each episode a treasure trove of insights. He meticulously extracts tactics, tools, and routines that are not just intriguing but also applicable to our daily lives and professional endeavors.

While I may have reservations about certain aspects of the show's structure, the value it delivers is undeniable. The caliber of guests Ferriss brings on is impressive, offering listeners an opportunity to learn from the best in various industries. His focus on detailed, actionable content – covering everything from morning routines and exercise habits to time management and productivity tips – is both inspiring and educational.

The Tim Ferriss Show is more than just a business podcast; it's a comprehensive guide to personal and professional excellence. Whether you're looking for strategies to optimize your performance or simply seeking inspiration from the best in the field, this podcast is a must-listen. Tim Ferriss's ability to break down complex topics and present them in an accessible manner makes this show one of the must-listen podcasts best for copywriters and business owners in 2024!

Podcasts Best for Copywriters: Harnessing Your Free Time for Professional Growth

Wrapping up this extensive list of the podcasts best for copywriters, the idea of tuning into all these shows might seem overwhelming. However, I recommend integrating these podcasts into your "busy hand time" - those moments when your hands are occupied, but your mind is free. Whether during a leisurely walk, while washing dishes, or folding laundry, these are perfect opportunities to enrich your mind. I often pop in my headphones during these activities, turning mundane tasks into moments of learning and inspiration. Remember, it's not about cramming in every episode; it's about making the most of your time to grow professionally and creatively.

Plus, don’t forget to sign up for our blog newsletter to stay updated with more insightful content on copywriting and small business ownership. Dive into a world of tips, strategies, and stories that can help you navigate your professional journey more effectively! See ya next time! 


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Chelsey is the founder and head copywriter of Crystal Clear Copy. She is an avid writer, published author, and lover of cats and craft beer.

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